
Make a Down Payment Savings Plan To Buy Your First Home

You’ve been thinking it for a while: “I really should start putting some money aside for a down payment.” But, you just can’t seem to find any wiggle room in your budget. You’re not alone. Saving for a down payment isn’t easy. Especially if you’ve got rent, car payments, student loans, and are trying to …

August eNewsletter & Hot Listing

Check out how other clients have evaluated my service. Testimonials View August eNewsletter Featured Listing: Click the following link to view the Listing: I look forward to working with you in 2020 or at some future time, Sherryl Hennessey Phone: 843-298-5219 [email protected]

How To Improve Your Credit Score

One of the most critical aspects of your financial state, when you’re buying a home, is that of your credit score. Credit scores take your entire economic history into account. That means every missed payment, every account opened, and that three-digit number represents every debt you owe. Once you obtain your credit score and assess …

Create an Engaging Home Listing

An engaging home listing can play a key role in your ability to sell your house. If your listing hits the mark with potential buyers, the likelihood increases that buyers will set up showings to view your residence. And as a result, it may be only a matter of time before you receive multiple offers …

Reasons for Home Sellers to Take a Wait and See Approach

If you plan to sell a house, it can be easy to try to rush through the home selling cycle. However, doing so may do more harm than good, particularly for home sellers who want to maximize their profits. Ultimately, a wait and see approach can be beneficial for a home seller. Some of the …

July eNewsletter & Hot Listing

Check out how other clients have evaluated my service. Testimonials View July eNewsletter Featured Listing: I look forward to working with you in 2020, Sherryl Hennessey Phone: 843-298-5219 [email protected]

Reasons to Hire a Diligent Real Estate Agent to Help You Sell Your Home

Believe it or not, all real estate agents are not created equal. But a home seller who goes the extra mile during his or her search for the right real estate agent should have no trouble hiring a diligent housing market professional to provide support along the home selling journey. Ultimately, there are many reasons …

Tips for Sellers: Identify Your Target Buyer

For those who want to enjoy a successful home selling experience, identifying your target buyer is key. Because if you understand why buyers may choose your residence over other available houses, you can promote your home to the right groups of buyers. And as a result, you may be better equipped than ever before to …

Working From Home is an Option Worth Considering

Many house hunters are so focused on finding the ideal house, yard, and neighborhood, that they sometimes sacrifice one of their main objectives: a short commute to work. At first, a long drive to the office may seem like a small price to pay for finding your ideal house, but your outlook might change when the tedium …

June eNewsletter & Hot Listing

Check out how other clients have evaluated my service. Testimonials View June eNewsletter Featured Listing: Click the following link to view the Listing: I look forward to working with you in 2020, Sherryl Hennessey Phone: 843-298-5219 [email protected]